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What Is C#? Definition, Uses, Syntax, Tools

Boxing is the operation of converting a value-type object into a value of a corresponding reference type. Statements are commonly grouped into methods , methods into classes, and classes into namespaces. Microsoft first used the name C# in 1988 for https://globalcloudteam.com/ a variant of the C language designed for incremental compilation. That project was not completed, and the name was later reused. The language is intended for use in developing software components suitable for deployment in distributed environments.

what is c#

It runs on Microsoft’s .Net Framework and can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms. As the syntax is simple and easy to learn, developers familiar with C, C++, or Java have found a comfort zone within C#. With .NET, C# developers can also rely on the powerfull .NET Core framework designed for building web services and applications.

C# vs. Java: Performance

Apart from that, it has a strong community supported by Microsoft, which keeps an eye on its “child” and appreciates the users’ feedback. It boosts the overall readability, so a developer can quickly understand the code and make necessary improvements. Moreover, it’s designed to be a high-level language, meaning C# does lots of things automatically. While programming for C++ and Java, you need to prepare parts of code manually.

what is c#

It is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is built on top of C, just like C++. Over the years, the C# programming language has been adopted for web and web app development. Some examples of web applications built using C# include Windows Installer XML, Microsoft Visual Studio, and FlashDevelop. If you’re wondering when this popular programming language was created, the short answer is that Microsoft built the C# programming language in 2000.

Which industries use C# and for what purposes?

Since the release of C# 2.0 in November 2005, the C# and Java languages have evolved on increasingly divergent trajectories, becoming two quite different languages. One of the first major departures came with the addition of generics to both languages, with vastly different implementations. These features enable C# programmers to use functional programming techniques, such as closures, when it is advantageous to their application. The stack of .NET technologies is diverse, which enables the creation of various software solutions. It includes integrated development environments , components and libraries. Xamarin/MAUI is a powerful tool for developing cross-platform mobile and desktop apps.

what is c#

It is used in creating applications of Microsoft at a large scale. C# code is compiled to a intermediate language (Common (.Net) Intermediate Language) which is a standard language, c# web development solutions independently irrespective of the target operating system and architecture. How do you create an organization that is nimble, flexible and takes a fresh view of team structure?

What Is The Programming Language C#?

The framework comes with a set of customizable components, unified class libraries, and other features that significantly speed up the development process. C# is a general purpose, object-oriented programming language designed by Microsoft. The name is inspired by the sharp symbol, used in musical notation to raise a note by a semitone. If you look closely, a # sign consists of four pluses placed in a two-by-two grid.

what is c#

You can create objects marked as dynamic that allows them to bypass type checking at compile time. A runtime is used in .NET applications to translate C# code into machine instructions on any of the supported OS. From the start, C# was based on the object-oriented programming principles. This coding concept assumes you can define the type and structure of data, to apply the set of standard functions to it.

C# for website development

As a result, the number of add-ons, free integrations, interface kits is always increasing – and the development process lately has become much easier. Of course, it’s possible to build games with other languages, but using C# makes it easy to integrate Unity functionality, upload add-ons, and manage libraries. As any strong-typing language, C# has its own advantages and disadvantages, many of which are granted exactly by its rigid syntax. In static typing, making a mistake leads to an inability to run the entire codebase – so beginning developers can face difficulties. However, once you get used to C#’s typing, it becomes much more manageable. Microsoft made the server-side framework ASP.NET, which can be used to make web pages that change over time.

  • In 2021, .NET and .NET Core frameworks joined into a single, well-engineered .NET 6 version that has become a universal platform for C# development.
  • C# has the ability to utilize LINQ through the .NET Framework.
  • C# is primarily a type-safelanguage, meaning that types can interact only through protocols they define, thereby ensuring each type’s internal consistency.
  • In .NET, the text is stored as a sequential read-only collection of Char data types.
  • Core used to be a cross-platform version of the old .NET.
  • It was built for multiple programming paradigms, such as oject-oriented programming and functional programming.


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